Monday, April 18, 2011

Social Ministry and God's Reign

While on my couch, an infamous commercial appeared on my television. You know the one; an image of a child with an expanding stomach and flies hovering around the eyes and head. While those same eyes that are plagued with sadness watch you, an ominous voice requests money. The world’s condition seems to worsen daily. While observing the news, there seems to be some new disaster or conflict happening. Amid all this tragedy and death, what are we to do as Catholic Christians?

Well, the world’s reality is that things will and have happened now and throughout history.  For that reason, the absence of tragedy is not a sign of the Church, but her sign is what she does within the tragedy. As Catholics, we are to embrace the opportunities that God gives us to show the love of Christ to a hurting world. In the midst of all the needs that plague our world today, it is easy to view everything with apathy. Prayer is the key to this dilemma. Being the newest member of the OJP team, my goal has been to saturate myself with social ministry resources. Basically, this means reading scores of books and articles on social ministry.  During this undertaking, I have found it refreshing that the majority of books draw on relationship with God as the bedrock for effective social ministry. They are right!

As we look to the cross, we see two lines that intersect. The first is vertical and the second is horizontal. The cross shows us that having a solid relationship with God naturally fashions in us a heart for our neighbors. Thus, the vertical symbolizes our communion with our Creator and the horizontal symbolizes our communion with our fellow man. They are related and can never be removed from each other. Christ says, “love your God with everything; and to love your neighbor a yourself” (paraphrasing). So, both commands are reliant on each other. To love God is first, but springing from that love flows a love for those created in God’s image. Regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, social and economic status, we are called to love them because they are our brothers and sisters created in the image of God. Parish social ministry is the opportunity maker for His Church to accomplish His will and reign.

Justin Myers
Regional Coordinator for the Central Vicariate

1 comment:

  1. May your ministry be full of joyful service. Thanks for all you are set to do. May the command of love be your motive and driving force. Remember the cross is the highest value of life and sure with its challenges. Courage!! Life is a gift and a gift unless it is given has no meaning. S. HT
